Key Projects

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The draft Regional Land Transport Plan proposes a $63 billion programme of investment in renewals, maintenance and operations, public transport services and new projects over the next ten years.

Some of the key capital investment projects and programmes are highlighted below - these have been identified as the highest priority items in the plan.

Please note this is not the full list of projects and programmes in the draft RLTP, you can view the full list here.

Rapid transit: Rail projects

City Rail Link

The City Rail Link (CRL) is New Zealand’s largest transport infrastructure project ever. Completion of CRL will see twin 3.45k rail tunnels up to 42m underground between Waitematā Station (Britomart) and Maungawhau Station. There will also be two new underground stations - Te Waihorotiu and Karanga-ā-Hape. The opening of CRL will mean our city has the provision for longer nine-car electric trains. It is expected to open in early 2026.

Electric Multiple Unit (EMU, or electric train cars) Rolling Stock Tranche for CRL

The EMU Rolling Stock Tranche for CRL sees 23 new electric multi-units (EMUs) to increase the number of rail fleet in preparation for CRL opening.

Electric Multiple Unit (electric train cars) Stabling and Depots for CRL

EMU Stabling and Depots for CRL introduces additional stabling units and upgraded depot facilities for the rail fleet in preparation for CRL opening.

Karangahape Roadside for CRL Improvements

The Karangahape Roadside for CRL Improvements projects sets out to upgrade Karangahape Road and surrounding streets adjacent to the two new Karanga-ā-Hape station entrances.

Level Crossings Removal for CRL

The Level Crossings Removal project for CRL involves the closure of the Church Street East level crossing and improving high priority pedestrian crossings, to support increased rail frequency for CRL.

Stations and Wayfinding for CRL

Before CRL opens to the public, minor changes and wayfinding updates are required at existing stations.

Rail Network Growth Impact Management (RNGIM)

Also known as the Rail Network Rebuild, this is the NLTF amount already funded and committed, to progress the first phase of the historic renewals backlog resulting from legacy underinvestment in the Auckland network. AT is the approved organisation and will direct the funds to KiwiRail (pass through cost).

CRL Day One - ETCS Level 2 - Business case

Initiating an investigation of the next phase of electronic train control (ETCS Level 2). A component of the Infrastructure Package required to support CRL.

CRL Day One - Infrastructure package - Additional traction feed (West)

Completion of an additional traction feed in the West to power additional trains. A component of the Infrastructure Package required to support CRL.

CRL Day One – Resilience and Asset Maintenance Programme - Infill Signalling

Installs additional signals to improve network resilience and reliability. A component of the Resilience and Asset Maintenance Programme required to support CRL.

CRL Day One - Resilience and Asset Maintenance Programme - Integrated rail management centre and emergency management systems

Enabling completion of an Auckland Control Centre for all aspects of the Auckland network to be managed from Auckland, improving coordination, resilience and reliability.

Rapid transit: Eastern Busway

Eastern Busway

The Eastern Busway from Pakūranga to Botany is being built and is a significant project for East Auckland. When it’s completed, the busway and flyover above Reeves Road will make local trips easier and more efficient by providing better connections and sustainable travel options for walkers, cyclists, motorists, bus and train customers. It will also create a reliable bus and train service between Botany and Waitematā Station (Britomart) and will be an important part of the region’s rapid transport network. The draft RLTP proposes funding for the Eastern Busway Stages 2 and 3, as approved for construction. This project includes busways and associated improvement works (e.g. flyover) as well as interim Stage 4A.

Bus projects

Midtown Bus Improvements

The Midtown Bus Improvements for City Rail Link Street looks to upgrade bus facilities and bus lanes on Wellesley Street between Queen Street and Albert.

Great North Road Improvements

The Great North Road Improvements project contains new cycleway and other infrastructure (bus priority) upgrades on Great North Road.

Northwest Bus Improvements

Northwest Bus Improvements project rolls out bus improvements to support the interim Northwest.

SH16 Westgate & Brigham Stations

Development of interim bus station at Westgate to support Western Express services and growth. First stage of delivering the North West Rapid Transit solution.

Northwestern WX1 Other Works

Bus improvements to support the interim Northwest RTN (WX1) and Westgate Station.

Ferry projects

Decarbonisation of Ferries Stage 1

Stage 1 of the Decarbonisation of Ferries looks to introduce new ferries (including 2 electric vessels) and supporting upgrades to specific wharves for charging infrastructure and access.

Cycleways projects

Mangere West and Westmere Cycleways

The Mangere West and Westmere Cycleways project aims to construct a cycleway and links from new Māngere pedestrian bridge area towards the airport. This project also covers residual costs from Point Chevalier to Westmere cycleway delivery.

Priority for growth

Supporting Growth Post-Lodgement (AT & NZTA)

The Supporting Growth Post-Lodgement services the Support Growth Alliance to support land designations required and other activities related to managing land requirements.

Network & safety: Local board priority

Projects for Franklin Paths Targeted Rates

The Projects for Franklin Paths Targeted Rate looks to support upgrades driven and funded by the Franklin Local Board, including bus facilities, improved services and footpaths.

Projects for Rodney Transport Targeted Rates

The Projects for Rodney Transport Targeted Rate looks to support upgrades driven and funded by the Rodney Local Board, including bus facilities, improved services and footpaths.

Road safety

Marae and Papakāinga (Turnouts) safety programme

The marae and papakāinga (Turnouts) safety programme seeks to improve safety and accessibility to Marae and papakāinga sites.

Technology & change: Asset renewals

Core Technology and Renewals Technology

Core Technology and Renewals Technology upgrades and IT asset renewals. This project provides a security system for AT's IT network, data, and applications as well as renewing customer-facing assets (e.g. CCTV cameras, traffic light control hardware, and communications infrastructure).

Customer and Business Systems

This project will support public transport and customers analytics, cloud services and technology for improved customer experience by providing reliable and current information, streamlining customer interactions, and accommodating a variety of travel options.

Open Loop and HOP Hardware Refresh

The Open Loop project will support Auckland’s ticketing into the future, by providing compatible HOP hardware for a seamless transition and post-3G network functionality.

Resilience & adaption

Flood Response Works

The Flood Response Works programme aims to restore damage to the transport network during the January 2023 floods (slips, bridges, etc).

Renewals & resilience: Asset renewals

Renewals Parking and Other Asset renewals

This programme aims to fund asset renewals for parking, airfields, and other assets based on asset condition.

Renewals Public Transport Asset

This programme aims to fund renewals for public transport assets based on asset condition.

Renewals Road Pavement Asset

This programme aims to fund renewals for road pavement (including surface sealing) based on asset condition.

Renewals Streets Asset

This programme aims to fund renewals for non-pavement network assets in the road reserve/carriageway based on asset condition.

Renewals Structures Asset

This programme aims to fund renewals for bridges, retaining walls, major culverts and other structures based on asset condition.

State highway Maintenance, Operations and renewals

State Highway maintenance, operations and renewals.

Auckland metro rail maintenance, operations, and renewals

KiwiRail's share of annual network maintenance and renewals costs to be agreed through the Auckland Network Access Agreement (ANAA) process. This does not include the AT contribution.

Rail Network Growth Impact Management (RNGIM) - Unfunded

Also known as the Rail Network Rebuild, this is the remaining, currently unfunded value required to complete the first phase of the historic renewals backlog resulting from legacy underinvestment in the Auckland network. This is in addition to the amount already funded and committed, which will come through AT's programme as the approved organisation.

Rail Network Rebuild (backlog)

Commencement of a programme to address the remaining renewals backlog for the Auckland network, due to both historic underinvestment and more recent funding shortfalls.

Traction control software system renewal

Commencement to completion of renewing the system that controls the Auckland electrical network to enable its safe and efficient operation.

Operational capital programme

Crown Resilience Low Cost Risk Programme

Crown allocation for proactive resilience Low Cost Low Risk activities over four years. To be managed and prioritised to target resilience at high risk sites.

Debt Repayment

Government debt repayment on the Southern Corridor Improvement & SH20A to Airport projects.

Puhoi to Warkworth repayment

PPP payments on the Puhoi to Warkworth project.

Weigh Right Stanley St

Weigh Stations are sites where officers can safely carry out thorough inspections. They are being installed on high-volume routes throughout Aotearoa one of these locations is Stanley St, Parnell.

Weigh Right Bombay

Weigh Stations are sites where officers can safely carry out thorough inspections. They are being installed on high-volume routes throughout Aotearoa one of these locations is Bombay.


SH16 Brigham creek to Waimauku Safety Works

SH16 safety improvements between Brigham Creek and Waimauku including road and bridge widening, service undergrounding and installation of median and roadside barriers.

The draft Regional Land Transport Plan proposes a $63 billion programme of investment in renewals, maintenance and operations, public transport services and new projects over the next ten years.

Some of the key capital investment projects and programmes are highlighted below - these have been identified as the highest priority items in the plan.

Please note this is not the full list of projects and programmes in the draft RLTP, you can view the full list here.

Rapid transit: Rail projects

City Rail Link

The City Rail Link (CRL) is New Zealand’s largest transport infrastructure project ever. Completion of CRL will see twin 3.45k rail tunnels up to 42m underground between Waitematā Station (Britomart) and Maungawhau Station. There will also be two new underground stations - Te Waihorotiu and Karanga-ā-Hape. The opening of CRL will mean our city has the provision for longer nine-car electric trains. It is expected to open in early 2026.

Electric Multiple Unit (EMU, or electric train cars) Rolling Stock Tranche for CRL

The EMU Rolling Stock Tranche for CRL sees 23 new electric multi-units (EMUs) to increase the number of rail fleet in preparation for CRL opening.

Electric Multiple Unit (electric train cars) Stabling and Depots for CRL

EMU Stabling and Depots for CRL introduces additional stabling units and upgraded depot facilities for the rail fleet in preparation for CRL opening.

Karangahape Roadside for CRL Improvements

The Karangahape Roadside for CRL Improvements projects sets out to upgrade Karangahape Road and surrounding streets adjacent to the two new Karanga-ā-Hape station entrances.

Level Crossings Removal for CRL

The Level Crossings Removal project for CRL involves the closure of the Church Street East level crossing and improving high priority pedestrian crossings, to support increased rail frequency for CRL.

Stations and Wayfinding for CRL

Before CRL opens to the public, minor changes and wayfinding updates are required at existing stations.

Rail Network Growth Impact Management (RNGIM)

Also known as the Rail Network Rebuild, this is the NLTF amount already funded and committed, to progress the first phase of the historic renewals backlog resulting from legacy underinvestment in the Auckland network. AT is the approved organisation and will direct the funds to KiwiRail (pass through cost).

CRL Day One - ETCS Level 2 - Business case

Initiating an investigation of the next phase of electronic train control (ETCS Level 2). A component of the Infrastructure Package required to support CRL.

CRL Day One - Infrastructure package - Additional traction feed (West)

Completion of an additional traction feed in the West to power additional trains. A component of the Infrastructure Package required to support CRL.

CRL Day One – Resilience and Asset Maintenance Programme - Infill Signalling

Installs additional signals to improve network resilience and reliability. A component of the Resilience and Asset Maintenance Programme required to support CRL.

CRL Day One - Resilience and Asset Maintenance Programme - Integrated rail management centre and emergency management systems

Enabling completion of an Auckland Control Centre for all aspects of the Auckland network to be managed from Auckland, improving coordination, resilience and reliability.

Rapid transit: Eastern Busway

Eastern Busway

The Eastern Busway from Pakūranga to Botany is being built and is a significant project for East Auckland. When it’s completed, the busway and flyover above Reeves Road will make local trips easier and more efficient by providing better connections and sustainable travel options for walkers, cyclists, motorists, bus and train customers. It will also create a reliable bus and train service between Botany and Waitematā Station (Britomart) and will be an important part of the region’s rapid transport network. The draft RLTP proposes funding for the Eastern Busway Stages 2 and 3, as approved for construction. This project includes busways and associated improvement works (e.g. flyover) as well as interim Stage 4A.

Bus projects

Midtown Bus Improvements

The Midtown Bus Improvements for City Rail Link Street looks to upgrade bus facilities and bus lanes on Wellesley Street between Queen Street and Albert.

Great North Road Improvements

The Great North Road Improvements project contains new cycleway and other infrastructure (bus priority) upgrades on Great North Road.

Northwest Bus Improvements

Northwest Bus Improvements project rolls out bus improvements to support the interim Northwest.

SH16 Westgate & Brigham Stations

Development of interim bus station at Westgate to support Western Express services and growth. First stage of delivering the North West Rapid Transit solution.

Northwestern WX1 Other Works

Bus improvements to support the interim Northwest RTN (WX1) and Westgate Station.

Ferry projects

Decarbonisation of Ferries Stage 1

Stage 1 of the Decarbonisation of Ferries looks to introduce new ferries (including 2 electric vessels) and supporting upgrades to specific wharves for charging infrastructure and access.

Cycleways projects

Mangere West and Westmere Cycleways

The Mangere West and Westmere Cycleways project aims to construct a cycleway and links from new Māngere pedestrian bridge area towards the airport. This project also covers residual costs from Point Chevalier to Westmere cycleway delivery.

Priority for growth

Supporting Growth Post-Lodgement (AT & NZTA)

The Supporting Growth Post-Lodgement services the Support Growth Alliance to support land designations required and other activities related to managing land requirements.

Network & safety: Local board priority

Projects for Franklin Paths Targeted Rates

The Projects for Franklin Paths Targeted Rate looks to support upgrades driven and funded by the Franklin Local Board, including bus facilities, improved services and footpaths.

Projects for Rodney Transport Targeted Rates

The Projects for Rodney Transport Targeted Rate looks to support upgrades driven and funded by the Rodney Local Board, including bus facilities, improved services and footpaths.

Road safety

Marae and Papakāinga (Turnouts) safety programme

The marae and papakāinga (Turnouts) safety programme seeks to improve safety and accessibility to Marae and papakāinga sites.

Technology & change: Asset renewals

Core Technology and Renewals Technology

Core Technology and Renewals Technology upgrades and IT asset renewals. This project provides a security system for AT's IT network, data, and applications as well as renewing customer-facing assets (e.g. CCTV cameras, traffic light control hardware, and communications infrastructure).

Customer and Business Systems

This project will support public transport and customers analytics, cloud services and technology for improved customer experience by providing reliable and current information, streamlining customer interactions, and accommodating a variety of travel options.

Open Loop and HOP Hardware Refresh

The Open Loop project will support Auckland’s ticketing into the future, by providing compatible HOP hardware for a seamless transition and post-3G network functionality.

Resilience & adaption

Flood Response Works

The Flood Response Works programme aims to restore damage to the transport network during the January 2023 floods (slips, bridges, etc).

Renewals & resilience: Asset renewals

Renewals Parking and Other Asset renewals

This programme aims to fund asset renewals for parking, airfields, and other assets based on asset condition.

Renewals Public Transport Asset

This programme aims to fund renewals for public transport assets based on asset condition.

Renewals Road Pavement Asset

This programme aims to fund renewals for road pavement (including surface sealing) based on asset condition.

Renewals Streets Asset

This programme aims to fund renewals for non-pavement network assets in the road reserve/carriageway based on asset condition.

Renewals Structures Asset

This programme aims to fund renewals for bridges, retaining walls, major culverts and other structures based on asset condition.

State highway Maintenance, Operations and renewals

State Highway maintenance, operations and renewals.

Auckland metro rail maintenance, operations, and renewals

KiwiRail's share of annual network maintenance and renewals costs to be agreed through the Auckland Network Access Agreement (ANAA) process. This does not include the AT contribution.

Rail Network Growth Impact Management (RNGIM) - Unfunded

Also known as the Rail Network Rebuild, this is the remaining, currently unfunded value required to complete the first phase of the historic renewals backlog resulting from legacy underinvestment in the Auckland network. This is in addition to the amount already funded and committed, which will come through AT's programme as the approved organisation.

Rail Network Rebuild (backlog)

Commencement of a programme to address the remaining renewals backlog for the Auckland network, due to both historic underinvestment and more recent funding shortfalls.

Traction control software system renewal

Commencement to completion of renewing the system that controls the Auckland electrical network to enable its safe and efficient operation.

Operational capital programme

Crown Resilience Low Cost Risk Programme

Crown allocation for proactive resilience Low Cost Low Risk activities over four years. To be managed and prioritised to target resilience at high risk sites.

Debt Repayment

Government debt repayment on the Southern Corridor Improvement & SH20A to Airport projects.

Puhoi to Warkworth repayment

PPP payments on the Puhoi to Warkworth project.

Weigh Right Stanley St

Weigh Stations are sites where officers can safely carry out thorough inspections. They are being installed on high-volume routes throughout Aotearoa one of these locations is Stanley St, Parnell.

Weigh Right Bombay

Weigh Stations are sites where officers can safely carry out thorough inspections. They are being installed on high-volume routes throughout Aotearoa one of these locations is Bombay.


SH16 Brigham creek to Waimauku Safety Works

SH16 safety improvements between Brigham Creek and Waimauku including road and bridge widening, service undergrounding and installation of median and roadside barriers.