What is the RLTP?

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The purpose of the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) is to set out the Auckland region’s land transport objectives, policies, and monitoring measures for the next 10 years.

More importantly, the RLTP presents the Auckland regions ‘bid’ for national transport funding. It prioritises the land transport projects and programmes that Auckland Transport (AT), the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and KiwiRail propose to be funded from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF).

The policy context of Auckland's Regional Land Transport Plan

The RLTP must be consistent with the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) and consider a range of other matters, including likely funding from any source and any relevant national and regional policy statements. RLTP development is also expected to align with guidance provided by NZTA, which includes setting out specific problem statements, challenges, expected outcomes and funding priorities.

In practice, the RLTP seeks to align:

  • The capital and operating programmes of the three transport agencies
  • National and regional transport objectives
  • National and regional funding

We want to hear from Aucklanders about how the draft RLTP has balanced the programmes and funding for the region. You can read more about the plan in the links on the right or have your say now.

RLTP Timeline. 17 May to 17 June we are listening to feedback from Auckland. June and July 2024 all feedback is considered and the draft plan is reviewed and then finalised. August 2024 the final plan is sent to NZTZ. September 2024 NZTA releases the National Land Transport Programme.The timeline of the RLTP

The purpose of the Auckland Regional Land Transport Plan (RLTP) is to set out the Auckland region’s land transport objectives, policies, and monitoring measures for the next 10 years.

More importantly, the RLTP presents the Auckland regions ‘bid’ for national transport funding. It prioritises the land transport projects and programmes that Auckland Transport (AT), the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) and KiwiRail propose to be funded from the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF).

The policy context of Auckland's Regional Land Transport Plan

The RLTP must be consistent with the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS) and consider a range of other matters, including likely funding from any source and any relevant national and regional policy statements. RLTP development is also expected to align with guidance provided by NZTA, which includes setting out specific problem statements, challenges, expected outcomes and funding priorities.

In practice, the RLTP seeks to align:

  • The capital and operating programmes of the three transport agencies
  • National and regional transport objectives
  • National and regional funding

We want to hear from Aucklanders about how the draft RLTP has balanced the programmes and funding for the region. You can read more about the plan in the links on the right or have your say now.

RLTP Timeline. 17 May to 17 June we are listening to feedback from Auckland. June and July 2024 all feedback is considered and the draft plan is reviewed and then finalised. August 2024 the final plan is sent to NZTZ. September 2024 NZTA releases the National Land Transport Programme.The timeline of the RLTP