RLTP Funding

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In Auckland, transport activities – investment projects, maintenance, and public transport services – are funded from two main sources: 

  • Fuel taxes and road user charges collected into the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) administered by the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) to deliver policy set out by Central Government through the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS).  

  • Rates, targeted rates (such as the Climate Action Targeted Rate), borrowing and development contributions administered by Auckland Council through the Long-term Plan to deliver Council policy objectives 

Crown funding is also often made available to supplement the NLTF for certain activities.  

Auckland’s transport activities and networks are delivered and operated by 3 main agencies:  

  • Auckland Transport (AT) is responsible for Auckland’s local road network and public transport services, including rail passenger services, in alignment with Council policy direction, using funding from the Long-term Plan and NLTF  

  • NZTA is responsible for the state highway network in Auckland, in alignment with the GPS, using funding from the NLTF and the Crown  

  • KiwiRail is responsible for the rail infrastructure network and rail freight services and will set out its proposed investment programme in the Rail Network Investment Programme (RNIP) in alignment with the GPS using funding from the NLTF and the Crown  

Auckland's Regional land Transport Plan (RLTP) does not have the final say on what transport activities will be funded from the NLTF. These funding decisions are made by NZTA in the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). NZTA is required to take account of RLTPs from around New Zealand, but it must give effect to government direction in the GPS. For KiwiRail projects, the Minister of Transport approves funding through the RNIP.  

As the costs of all proposed projects are likely to exceed funding, the RLTP plays an important role in signalling Auckland’s priorities for available funding  

The draft RLTP 2024 is different from the RLTPs in 2018 and 2021. For those documents, the expected NLTF funding for Auckland had been signalled beforehand, enabling an overall ‘funding envelope’ to be identified. Consequently, in 2018 and 2021, the combined agency programmes were prioritised to fit within the funding envelope. For this draft RLTP 2024, there is no clear signal of how much NLTF funding might be available for Auckland activities and no ‘funding envelope’ has been identified.  

Without a ‘funding envelope’ to work to, this draft RLTP 2024 includes all plausible proposals for NLTF funding from AT, NZTA and KiwiRail. This is to ensure key projects from all agencies are included and ensure consistency with the priority projects highlighted in the GPS. This unconstrained approach has contributed to a programme that would require $40.9 billion from either the NLTF or new funding sources to complete. This scale of demand will, however, significantly exceed available funding. 

As proposed project costs exceed funding, the key role of this RLTP is therefore to signal the region’s priorities for investment, particularly over the next three years, which are most important for NLTF decisions. As part of this process, we seek pubic and stakeholder feedback on those priorities.  

Auckland currently has more proposed transport projects than we can afford. All agencies agree that maintenance, operations and renewals are a key priority, along with already committed projects. This leaves big decisions over whether to fund major new projects, such as the Waitematā Harbour Connections and Northwest Rapid Transit, or to concentrate on smaller public transport projects that are needed to help deliver a better, faster and more reliable transport network.  

The role of the RLTP 2024 is to set out the Auckland region’s transport priorities, so that Auckland’s voice can be heard when funding decisions are made by the NZTA. This Draft RLTP proposes that much more funding needs to be allocated to higher priority public transport projects. Before we provide a final view, we want to hear from Aucklanders about what you see as the priorities for investment. 

Total proposed programme by category

In Auckland, transport activities – investment projects, maintenance, and public transport services – are funded from two main sources: 

  • Fuel taxes and road user charges collected into the National Land Transport Fund (NLTF) administered by the NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi (NZTA) to deliver policy set out by Central Government through the Government Policy Statement on land transport (GPS).  

  • Rates, targeted rates (such as the Climate Action Targeted Rate), borrowing and development contributions administered by Auckland Council through the Long-term Plan to deliver Council policy objectives 

Crown funding is also often made available to supplement the NLTF for certain activities.  

Auckland’s transport activities and networks are delivered and operated by 3 main agencies:  

  • Auckland Transport (AT) is responsible for Auckland’s local road network and public transport services, including rail passenger services, in alignment with Council policy direction, using funding from the Long-term Plan and NLTF  

  • NZTA is responsible for the state highway network in Auckland, in alignment with the GPS, using funding from the NLTF and the Crown  

  • KiwiRail is responsible for the rail infrastructure network and rail freight services and will set out its proposed investment programme in the Rail Network Investment Programme (RNIP) in alignment with the GPS using funding from the NLTF and the Crown  

Auckland's Regional land Transport Plan (RLTP) does not have the final say on what transport activities will be funded from the NLTF. These funding decisions are made by NZTA in the National Land Transport Programme (NLTP). NZTA is required to take account of RLTPs from around New Zealand, but it must give effect to government direction in the GPS. For KiwiRail projects, the Minister of Transport approves funding through the RNIP.  

As the costs of all proposed projects are likely to exceed funding, the RLTP plays an important role in signalling Auckland’s priorities for available funding  

The draft RLTP 2024 is different from the RLTPs in 2018 and 2021. For those documents, the expected NLTF funding for Auckland had been signalled beforehand, enabling an overall ‘funding envelope’ to be identified. Consequently, in 2018 and 2021, the combined agency programmes were prioritised to fit within the funding envelope. For this draft RLTP 2024, there is no clear signal of how much NLTF funding might be available for Auckland activities and no ‘funding envelope’ has been identified.  

Without a ‘funding envelope’ to work to, this draft RLTP 2024 includes all plausible proposals for NLTF funding from AT, NZTA and KiwiRail. This is to ensure key projects from all agencies are included and ensure consistency with the priority projects highlighted in the GPS. This unconstrained approach has contributed to a programme that would require $40.9 billion from either the NLTF or new funding sources to complete. This scale of demand will, however, significantly exceed available funding. 

As proposed project costs exceed funding, the key role of this RLTP is therefore to signal the region’s priorities for investment, particularly over the next three years, which are most important for NLTF decisions. As part of this process, we seek pubic and stakeholder feedback on those priorities.  

Auckland currently has more proposed transport projects than we can afford. All agencies agree that maintenance, operations and renewals are a key priority, along with already committed projects. This leaves big decisions over whether to fund major new projects, such as the Waitematā Harbour Connections and Northwest Rapid Transit, or to concentrate on smaller public transport projects that are needed to help deliver a better, faster and more reliable transport network.  

The role of the RLTP 2024 is to set out the Auckland region’s transport priorities, so that Auckland’s voice can be heard when funding decisions are made by the NZTA. This Draft RLTP proposes that much more funding needs to be allocated to higher priority public transport projects. Before we provide a final view, we want to hear from Aucklanders about what you see as the priorities for investment. 

Total proposed programme by category