Speed limit changes around Auckland - Phase Three

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Consultation has concluded

Your feedback is important to us

You live on or near these roads and have local knowledge that may help us to decide whether to change the speed limits as proposed.

To provide road-specific feedback on an interactive map, please:

  • Click "Map your Feedback" below and follow the instructions or "Go to Map".

You can provide, road-specific feedback, general feedback, or both.

Please note, if you would like to present your views in person or via an audio-visual link, please email ATspeedprogramme@AT.govt.nz or call 09 355 3553 to book a time slot. The hearings will be held via an online meeting on 7 April (TBC).

Public feedback is open until 3 April 2022.

Once analysis is complete, the feedback report and recommendations will be presented to the Auckland Transport Board. Following the recommendations of the AT Board the final decisions around the proposals will be made available in the third quarter of 2022.

Implementation of any recommended speed limit changes are expected to take place in November/December 2022.

We will notify anyone who has given feedback when the completed report is available.

Your feedback is important to us

You live on or near these roads and have local knowledge that may help us to decide whether to change the speed limits as proposed.

To provide road-specific feedback on an interactive map, please:

  • Click "Map your Feedback" below and follow the instructions or "Go to Map".

You can provide, road-specific feedback, general feedback, or both.

Please note, if you would like to present your views in person or via an audio-visual link, please email ATspeedprogramme@AT.govt.nz or call 09 355 3553 to book a time slot. The hearings will be held via an online meeting on 7 April (TBC).

Public feedback is open until 3 April 2022.

Once analysis is complete, the feedback report and recommendations will be presented to the Auckland Transport Board. Following the recommendations of the AT Board the final decisions around the proposals will be made available in the third quarter of 2022.

Implementation of any recommended speed limit changes are expected to take place in November/December 2022.

We will notify anyone who has given feedback when the completed report is available.

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Map Your Feedback

over 2 years

The coloured lines on the key indicate the proposed speed limit changes. 

IMPORTANT: Your feedback can be viewed by other users. If you don't want your feedback to be seen, please use the online survey instead.

Instructions for providing feedback on a specific road 

  1. Find the road. Zoom into the road you want to provide feedback on by using the + or - on the bottom right-hand side of the screen. Alternatively, click on the magnifying glass in the top right-hand side of the map and type the road or area into the search bar (Note - do not use the search bar next to the 'Home' button, use the one on the map). 
  2. Click Add Pin on the left panel (see the 'plus' symbol)
  3. Select a pin that matches your category of feedback, and drag it onto the map. Drop the pin on top of the road you are giving feedback on.
  4. Answer the question to tell us what you think of the proposed change. 

PRIVACY: AT is committed to protecting our customers’ personal information. We will manage your personal information in accordance with our Customer Privacy Policy. The information you provide in this submission may be shared with Auckland Council elected members (including local boards) and may otherwise be disclosed by AT in response to an information request.

CLOSED: This map consultation has concluded.