Onewa Road Clearway
The Issues
Over the years, as the area has grown, Onewa Road has gotten busier. Many more vehicles are travelling the road even when the T3 bus lanes are not operating. Because of this, when cars are parked on Onewa Road, they can disrupt traffic flow, create delays, and raise the risk of crashes attributed to lane change and turning visibility issues.
Between 2019 and 2023, 140 crashes were reported along the road corridor. Of these, nearly half were rear-end, lane-change, and right-turning crashes where trying to get around parked cars on Onewa Road was a contributing factor. Many of these crashes also occurred in school zones by Northcote College, at Nutsey Avenue near Northcote Primary, and in the lanes heading towards Birkenhead Avenue intersection on weekends.
We've also seen delays caused by drivers trying to turn right from Onewa Road into properties, and the vehicles behind them were unable to overtake due to parked cars on the street.
Additionally, the T3 lanes are underused when they're not operating because drivers often don't want to go through the trouble of having to slow down and navigate in and out of the lane to get around parked cars. This can create backups and delays in the other lanes at several times of day.
Our Proposed Solution
To resolve these issues and improve efficiency of movement along the corridor, we're proposing to install no stopping at all times broken yellow lines on both sides of Onewa Road from Birkenhead Avenue to Lake Road. This would change the partial clearway into a full clearway, meaning no parking would be allowed along this stretch of Onewa Road at any time.
Next Up: New Shared Path and Cycling Features
Click here or the button below to see the next set of changes we're proposing to optimise Onewa Road.
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