North Road, Clevedon – Pedestrian Improvements

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Consultation has concluded

There is a new subdivision under construction in Clevedon that can be accessed using Mark Williams Place. This proposal is to provide a new raised zebra crossing adjacent to Mark Williams Place to improve safety for the people crossing North Road. This will also encourage drivers to slow down in the vicinity of this intersection, especially those travelling from the rural area towards Clevedon Village.

The changes in the proposal include:

  • Installing a raised zebra crossing, raised to the height of the footpath, outside 31 North Road. The speed bump is flat and wide with a long off ramp. This makes it more comfortable for larger vehicles and their passengers.
  • Removing the pedestrian crossing at Mark Williams Place and North Road intersection. A new berm will be planted in the gap.
  • Adding side islands at the existing crossing outside 39 North Road to reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians.
  • Painting broken yellow lines along both sides of the new raised pedestrian crossing and near the existing crossing to improve visibility. We understand this can be inconvenient, so we have minimised the removal of parking as much as possible while still improving safety on North Road.

We want to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. These changes would:

  • Slow motorists to a safer speed.
  • Raise pedestrians, especially children, crossing the road to be at eye-level of approaching motorists, making them easier to see.
  • Make it more comfortable for everyone, including people with prams and wheelchairs, to cross the road as the crossing is level with the footpath.

Consultation Outcome

In September 2023, we proposed changes to improve road crossing safety for pedestrians and cyclists at North Road, Clevedon. 

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.

Most of the feedback supports improving pedestrian safety. Still, there may be alternative locations in Clevedon Village where pedestrians benefit more from improved pedestrian crossing facilities than installing a crossing on North Road adjacent to Mark Williams Place.

As a result of the public feedback we have received, we have decided not to proceed with the proposed works.  

Instead, we will investigate pedestrian safety improvements across the whole Clevedon Village area, including this crossing location, and consider appropriate crossing facility types according to pedestrian demand and the usage of the roads.

Community Feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. 

Below is a summary of your feedback and suggestions: 


We received a mixed response to the proposed location of the pedestrian crossing. While we received support for the proposed location, many felt other locations in Clevedon Village and neighbouring streets would be more beneficial for more people.  

One submission suggested that an alternative solution which provides for pedestrian safety and at the same time maintains the amenity of properties adjacent to the crossings should be considered for installation.  

  • We fully support this crossing going in. It will make our school children much safer too with the motorists reducing speed before they reach our school.
  • Clevedon needs a simple crossing in the middle of the village.
  • It’s in the wrong place. Few people would be crossing the road at this point. It is unnecessary.

Noise disruption:

We received comments that the noise generated by cars, trucks, boats and horse trailers using the raised crossing would be too disruptive for residents.  

  • Put pedestrian crossing at-grade. The number of trucks and trailers using these roads means the noise of bouncing over a raised table will be intolerable for residents.
  • In the past there have been raised speed humps installed on the roads leading into Clevedon village, however they were removed due to excessive noise issues.

Loss of parking:

We received many comments about the loss of on-street parking.  We are not proceeding with the proposal, so the road and parking will stay unchanged.  

It should be noted, though, that installing a new pedestrian crossing, whether flat or raised, will impact parking and how the road is used.  For example, parking may have to be removed to provide space for the width of a crossing and for visibility on all sides so that drivers and people crossing the road can see each other.  

We must balance the safety of all road users with the use of the road, parking, and demand.  


People supported various safety aspects, such as efforts to reduce speed through the village, build more footpaths, and provide more safe places for people, mainly schoolchildren, to cross the road. 

Feedback also mentioned that Clevedon Village is already a 50 km zone to slow drivers down, so a raised pedestrian crossing in the village is not required. 

  • Connecting shops/Clevedon Hall/Clevedon Presbyterian Church where there is a high volume of foot traffic for mothers and children (Preschool) Mon-Fri. We have been asking for this for years. This is a high-density traffic area.
  • Consideration of crossings within the main street to ensure safe access for young children to safely get to school and local play spaces. With the volume of traffic through the main street going to kawakawa.
  • Minimal effect on speeding traffic. 
  • The trucks are supposed to go at 50km/hr

Type of pedestrian crossing:

Many people commented that a raised crossing was unnecessary and would cause adverse effects of noise and vibration.  

Others supported improved pedestrian crossings in the village and surrounding area but wanted only painted lines on the road (level with the road) rather than raised. 

The cost of building raised crossings was also a concern. 

  • A crossing that is level with the road would be safer for traffic with the volume of trucks and horse trailers using the roads in Clevedon. 
  • Should not be a raised crossing. Raised crossings are a waste of money. It can be a normal flat pedestrian crossing.

AT to take a wider view to improving safety in Clevedon Village:

We will investigate pedestrian safety improvements across the whole Clevedon Village area, including this crossing location, and consider appropriate crossing facility types according to pedestrian demand and the usage of the roads.

  • I believe that AT should be tasked with a bigger review and obtain feedback from the Clevedon community, businesses and community groups.   
  • This proposal should not be looked at in isolation, there should be a review of the roads and pedestrian access throughout Clevedon village.  We need to have consistent design throughout the village. There is a real need for a pedestrian crossing in the centre of the village on the main road.

There is a new subdivision under construction in Clevedon that can be accessed using Mark Williams Place. This proposal is to provide a new raised zebra crossing adjacent to Mark Williams Place to improve safety for the people crossing North Road. This will also encourage drivers to slow down in the vicinity of this intersection, especially those travelling from the rural area towards Clevedon Village.

The changes in the proposal include:

  • Installing a raised zebra crossing, raised to the height of the footpath, outside 31 North Road. The speed bump is flat and wide with a long off ramp. This makes it more comfortable for larger vehicles and their passengers.
  • Removing the pedestrian crossing at Mark Williams Place and North Road intersection. A new berm will be planted in the gap.
  • Adding side islands at the existing crossing outside 39 North Road to reduce the crossing distance for pedestrians.
  • Painting broken yellow lines along both sides of the new raised pedestrian crossing and near the existing crossing to improve visibility. We understand this can be inconvenient, so we have minimised the removal of parking as much as possible while still improving safety on North Road.

We want to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. These changes would:

  • Slow motorists to a safer speed.
  • Raise pedestrians, especially children, crossing the road to be at eye-level of approaching motorists, making them easier to see.
  • Make it more comfortable for everyone, including people with prams and wheelchairs, to cross the road as the crossing is level with the footpath.

Consultation Outcome

In September 2023, we proposed changes to improve road crossing safety for pedestrians and cyclists at North Road, Clevedon. 

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.

Most of the feedback supports improving pedestrian safety. Still, there may be alternative locations in Clevedon Village where pedestrians benefit more from improved pedestrian crossing facilities than installing a crossing on North Road adjacent to Mark Williams Place.

As a result of the public feedback we have received, we have decided not to proceed with the proposed works.  

Instead, we will investigate pedestrian safety improvements across the whole Clevedon Village area, including this crossing location, and consider appropriate crossing facility types according to pedestrian demand and the usage of the roads.

Community Feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge. 

Below is a summary of your feedback and suggestions: 


We received a mixed response to the proposed location of the pedestrian crossing. While we received support for the proposed location, many felt other locations in Clevedon Village and neighbouring streets would be more beneficial for more people.  

One submission suggested that an alternative solution which provides for pedestrian safety and at the same time maintains the amenity of properties adjacent to the crossings should be considered for installation.  

  • We fully support this crossing going in. It will make our school children much safer too with the motorists reducing speed before they reach our school.
  • Clevedon needs a simple crossing in the middle of the village.
  • It’s in the wrong place. Few people would be crossing the road at this point. It is unnecessary.

Noise disruption:

We received comments that the noise generated by cars, trucks, boats and horse trailers using the raised crossing would be too disruptive for residents.  

  • Put pedestrian crossing at-grade. The number of trucks and trailers using these roads means the noise of bouncing over a raised table will be intolerable for residents.
  • In the past there have been raised speed humps installed on the roads leading into Clevedon village, however they were removed due to excessive noise issues.

Loss of parking:

We received many comments about the loss of on-street parking.  We are not proceeding with the proposal, so the road and parking will stay unchanged.  

It should be noted, though, that installing a new pedestrian crossing, whether flat or raised, will impact parking and how the road is used.  For example, parking may have to be removed to provide space for the width of a crossing and for visibility on all sides so that drivers and people crossing the road can see each other.  

We must balance the safety of all road users with the use of the road, parking, and demand.  


People supported various safety aspects, such as efforts to reduce speed through the village, build more footpaths, and provide more safe places for people, mainly schoolchildren, to cross the road. 

Feedback also mentioned that Clevedon Village is already a 50 km zone to slow drivers down, so a raised pedestrian crossing in the village is not required. 

  • Connecting shops/Clevedon Hall/Clevedon Presbyterian Church where there is a high volume of foot traffic for mothers and children (Preschool) Mon-Fri. We have been asking for this for years. This is a high-density traffic area.
  • Consideration of crossings within the main street to ensure safe access for young children to safely get to school and local play spaces. With the volume of traffic through the main street going to kawakawa.
  • Minimal effect on speeding traffic. 
  • The trucks are supposed to go at 50km/hr

Type of pedestrian crossing:

Many people commented that a raised crossing was unnecessary and would cause adverse effects of noise and vibration.  

Others supported improved pedestrian crossings in the village and surrounding area but wanted only painted lines on the road (level with the road) rather than raised. 

The cost of building raised crossings was also a concern. 

  • A crossing that is level with the road would be safer for traffic with the volume of trucks and horse trailers using the roads in Clevedon. 
  • Should not be a raised crossing. Raised crossings are a waste of money. It can be a normal flat pedestrian crossing.

AT to take a wider view to improving safety in Clevedon Village:

We will investigate pedestrian safety improvements across the whole Clevedon Village area, including this crossing location, and consider appropriate crossing facility types according to pedestrian demand and the usage of the roads.

  • I believe that AT should be tasked with a bigger review and obtain feedback from the Clevedon community, businesses and community groups.   
  • This proposal should not be looked at in isolation, there should be a review of the roads and pedestrian access throughout Clevedon village.  We need to have consistent design throughout the village. There is a real need for a pedestrian crossing in the centre of the village on the main road.
Consultation has concluded

Please ask questions here.