Why are we installing a roundabout at this intersection?

    This project aims to improve the overall safety of this Russell Road and Swallow Drive intersection.

    There have been several reported crashes within a 50m radius of the intersection between 2018 – 2022 including:

    • One serious crash
    • Three minor injury crashes
    • Seven non-injury crashes 

    The reported crashes indicate a pattern of turning vehicles failing to give way to straight ahead traffic.

    How will you minimise disruptions when delivering this project?

    This project will be delivered alongside our planned resealing works on Russell Road to minimise costs and disruptions to the community.

    Why do you need to remove the trees?

    We need to remove four trees outside 103 and 105 Russell Road to we can carry out the footpath works.

    We will be planting three new Magnolia Grandiflora ‘Blanchard’ trees to mitigate the loss.