Range View Road, Owairaka - Broken Yellow Lines

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Consultation Outcome

After reviewing the feedback we received, we are proceeding with the changes below on our proposal to paint broken yellow lines (BYL) on Range View Road, Mount Albert.

The following changes will retain four parking spaces.

  • Outside # 3 - 5m of BYL and 7m parking (lose 1 space, retain 1 space)
  • Outside # 5 & #7 - 5m of BYL and 14.6m parking (lose 1, retain 3 spaces)

What happens next

We anticipate these changes will be installed between April and May 2025.

We'll be in touch with local residents before any changes take place.

Community Feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.

Of the 20 responses we have received via our online survey, 50% supported the proposal, 30% did not support the proposal and 20% had suggestions to make.

Positive Feedback (not summarised)

“Range View Road has become quite congested due to the poor planning of the recent new builds in the area and lack of consideration to infrastructure. These changes are needed because the road has become quite unsafe.”

“It would enable me to have easier access out of my driveway on Range View Road. Have had occasions you can physically turn out onto the road as people park both sides. Just do it.”

“This is great, especially for congested roads like this. As a resident there are currently visibility issues when leaving my driveway so yellow lines on one side would make it a lot safer.”

“Reduction of accidents, more visibility and less frustration and anger”

“This is greeeeeat! This part of the road is always packed, blocked on both sides and becoming dangerous when turning in to. I’m stoked you’re adding these yellow lines. Extending it even more would be even better, it will mean a clearer roadway and much more safe for my nieces and nephews who walk along the road and need to cross the road. Less congestion, better visibility. The sooner the better”

“Currently it is very difficult to drive down range view road due to the cars on both sides.”

“The proposal would increase accessibility, visibility and safety.”

“It would make the street a lot safer for the community as it's very challenging to drive along the road at the moment. As a resident there are currently visibility issues when leaving my driveway so yellow lines on one side would make it a lot safer. Motorists also get very frustrated with only one direction being able to travel at a time and some are taking risks in frustration.”

“Would make it safer to drive up or down Range View Road - currently it is very dangerous”

Below is a summary of your feedback and our responses.

Parking Loss

  • Suggest introducing a resident only area with parking permits.

AT no longer uses Residents Only parking controls because this reserves a public asset for exclusive use, which is not allowed.

  • Concerned that taking away 14 car parks will cause issues for the surrounding areas. Perhaps reducing this to seven.

AT has reviewed the proposal and will be retaining four parking spaces.

  • Concerned tradespeople need to park on the road and have to park halfway down the road as there aren’t any parks.

On-street parking operates on a first come first served basis so there may be occasions when on-street parking is only available further along the street.

  • Suggest building more parking spaces somewhere else to support the loss of parking spaces on Range View Road.

Unfortunately, we don't have the budget to construct additional parking spaces at this time.

  • Concerned this area is a high-density housing area without the ability to park. Especially for those with limited mobility on a steep street.

Yes, this is a high-density housing area with limited off-street parking for some residents. Unfortunately, AT isn't able to create additional on-street parking at this time.

  • Suggestion would be to keep parking spaces but remove the berm on either side to make more room and less danger to the public.

Unfortunately, we don't have the budget to construct additional parking spaces at this time.

  • The Owairaka area is a fast-developing suburb, more parking spaces are required to accommodate the parking needs. Removing the current street parking would worsen the situation. The vehicles won’t disappear; they will be parked more chaotically, possibly on grass or in other unsuitable places.

Parking on the grass berm and footpath is not allowed, and vehicles doing so could receive an infringement notice. AT cannot create new on-street parking at this time but will manage the existing supply to ensure road access and residents can reach their properties.

Broken Yellow Lines

  • Concern that this isn't a long-term solution to the problem, it is simply shifting the parked cars from one street to another.

There's no easy long-term solution to this issue other than reducing the demand for parking. Unfortunately, AT doesn't have the resources to create additional parking spaces at this time.

  • Suggest the proposal to not go ahead. Leave the road yellow line free.

Unfortunately, this isn't an option because the number of parked vehicles is causing inconvenience for some residents.

  • Suggest the yellow lines on Richardson Road to be extended even further due to challenges turning out of Range View Road onto Richardson Road when cars are parked so close. It greatly reduces visibility.

AT believes the broken yellow lines on Richardson Road is currently enough.

  • Concerned that adding yellow lines to an already packed road will make life even harder than it already is to find parking and unload goods from the car.

AT understands that reducing parking spaces will increase demand. We could consider a loading zone on Range View Road, but this would remove two more general parking spaces.

  • Suggest extending the yellow lines more, it will mean a clearer roadway and much safer for families who walk along the road and crossing the road. Less congestion, better visibility. The sooner the better.

AT is aware there are objections to this proposal, and we want to minimise the impact as much as possible.

  • Request to add yellow lines outside numbers 11a, 11b and 11c to indicate 1 meter from the driveway. The parking here is tight for two cars, drivers often park too close to the driveway for these houses making it very difficult to see oncoming traffic.

While AT cannot add more broken yellow lines, we can look at installing limit lines at this address.

  • Suggestion to have yellow lines added to Dunkirk Terrace as cars are being parked in the middle of the road overnight.

Dunkirk Terrace has broken yellow lines on one side, which we believe is enough for vehicles to pass. If any vehicles are blocking the road, please call 09 355 3553 for enforcement.

Berms and Footpaths

  • Suggestion to widen the road, losing the berms and shortening the footpaths.

Unfortunately, AT doesn't have the resources to widen the road and create additional parking spaces at this time.

  • Suggest reducing the size the of berm and footpath to make it easier to park.

There are utilities under the berms on both sides.

  • Suggest for the front berm to be removed from one side and split the difference between roadway and footpath, and maybe add some traffic calming devices (like chicanes).

AT does not have the budget to consider this option and as noted the presence of services in the berms makes this particularly difficult.


  • Concerned that public transport is woeful in the Owairaka area. Fixing this should be priority.

Bus route 24R travels along Owairaka Avenue and Richardson Road, making 58 trips each day.

  • Suggestion to change the road layout.

Due to limited resources, AT cannot change the road layout to add more parking at this time.

  • Concerned the proposal will cause extreme hardship if implemented the way it has been suggested.

AT understands that this project will remove some parking spaces. We've reviewed the proposal to minimise the number of spaces removed. It's important to note that some residents are currently facing issues with the existing situation.

  • Request to have a look at the area around 72 Daffodil Street, Titirangi. It's a sharp bend that goes uphill with a blind view; cars park on either side of the road, leaving only a tiny space. There have been many times when cars have almost crashed HEAD ON. Just putting one side yellow lines (opposite 72 is best) in just that place would be enough.

Thank you for your request to add BYL outside 72 Daffodil Street, Titirangi. As it is outside of this area, we have logged a request to have it looked into. For an update of this, feel free to call us on 09 355 3553 and quote reference number CAS-1031935-J2J2G7.

  • Request to repaint the speed bumps. It will make the road safer for drivers as well.

Thank you for your request to repaint the speed humps. We have logged a request to have it looked into. For an update, feel free to call us on 09 355 3553 and quote reference number CAS-1031939-W8X8S0.

  • Suggest to open Murray Halberg parking area for overnight parking.

Murray Halberg Park is open to vehicles until 11pm. Although Auckland Council manages this area, allowing access at night could lead to more antisocial activities.

  • Suggest introducing new public transport options at both ends of Range View Road, this could help alleviate some of the parking pressures by providing alternative transportation options for residents.

Bus route 24R runs near the northern end of Range View Road, while routes 67A and 67B pass by the southern end.


About the project

AT conducted a site visit in response to residents who escalated their concerns regarding access issues to their driveways, we are proposing to paint broken yellow lines on Range View Road, Owairaka to better improve accessibility.

We are proposing to paint additional broken yellow lines along Range View Road:

  • In front of the grass berms of #3, #5A,B,C,D,E, #9 and #17A Range View Road
  • In front of the grass berms of #16A, and #18 Range View Road
  • On the intersection of Range View Road and Dunkirk Terrace outside #20 Range View Road

Range View Road, Owairaka drawings

This project aims to improve vehicle accessibility

We want to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. These changes aim to improve visibility and accessibility for residents and visitors. Range View Road can become a narrow road when vehicles park opposite each other. Painting broken yellow lines will encourage safer parking behaviour and prevent the road from being blocked. We recommend you park correctly, or you could receive an infringement notice.

What we want your feedback on

You can help shape this project by giving feedback regarding the addition or removal of broken yellow lines.

How you can have your say

Have your say by completing the online feedback form. The form will be open from 27 August 2024 to 10 September 2024.

Consultation Outcome

After reviewing the feedback we received, we are proceeding with the changes below on our proposal to paint broken yellow lines (BYL) on Range View Road, Mount Albert.

The following changes will retain four parking spaces.

  • Outside # 3 - 5m of BYL and 7m parking (lose 1 space, retain 1 space)
  • Outside # 5 & #7 - 5m of BYL and 14.6m parking (lose 1, retain 3 spaces)

What happens next

We anticipate these changes will be installed between April and May 2025.

We'll be in touch with local residents before any changes take place.

Community Feedback

Thank you for helping us make better decisions for your neighbourhood, informed by your local knowledge.

Of the 20 responses we have received via our online survey, 50% supported the proposal, 30% did not support the proposal and 20% had suggestions to make.

Positive Feedback (not summarised)

“Range View Road has become quite congested due to the poor planning of the recent new builds in the area and lack of consideration to infrastructure. These changes are needed because the road has become quite unsafe.”

“It would enable me to have easier access out of my driveway on Range View Road. Have had occasions you can physically turn out onto the road as people park both sides. Just do it.”

“This is great, especially for congested roads like this. As a resident there are currently visibility issues when leaving my driveway so yellow lines on one side would make it a lot safer.”

“Reduction of accidents, more visibility and less frustration and anger”

“This is greeeeeat! This part of the road is always packed, blocked on both sides and becoming dangerous when turning in to. I’m stoked you’re adding these yellow lines. Extending it even more would be even better, it will mean a clearer roadway and much more safe for my nieces and nephews who walk along the road and need to cross the road. Less congestion, better visibility. The sooner the better”

“Currently it is very difficult to drive down range view road due to the cars on both sides.”

“The proposal would increase accessibility, visibility and safety.”

“It would make the street a lot safer for the community as it's very challenging to drive along the road at the moment. As a resident there are currently visibility issues when leaving my driveway so yellow lines on one side would make it a lot safer. Motorists also get very frustrated with only one direction being able to travel at a time and some are taking risks in frustration.”

“Would make it safer to drive up or down Range View Road - currently it is very dangerous”

Below is a summary of your feedback and our responses.

Parking Loss

  • Suggest introducing a resident only area with parking permits.

AT no longer uses Residents Only parking controls because this reserves a public asset for exclusive use, which is not allowed.

  • Concerned that taking away 14 car parks will cause issues for the surrounding areas. Perhaps reducing this to seven.

AT has reviewed the proposal and will be retaining four parking spaces.

  • Concerned tradespeople need to park on the road and have to park halfway down the road as there aren’t any parks.

On-street parking operates on a first come first served basis so there may be occasions when on-street parking is only available further along the street.

  • Suggest building more parking spaces somewhere else to support the loss of parking spaces on Range View Road.

Unfortunately, we don't have the budget to construct additional parking spaces at this time.

  • Concerned this area is a high-density housing area without the ability to park. Especially for those with limited mobility on a steep street.

Yes, this is a high-density housing area with limited off-street parking for some residents. Unfortunately, AT isn't able to create additional on-street parking at this time.

  • Suggestion would be to keep parking spaces but remove the berm on either side to make more room and less danger to the public.

Unfortunately, we don't have the budget to construct additional parking spaces at this time.

  • The Owairaka area is a fast-developing suburb, more parking spaces are required to accommodate the parking needs. Removing the current street parking would worsen the situation. The vehicles won’t disappear; they will be parked more chaotically, possibly on grass or in other unsuitable places.

Parking on the grass berm and footpath is not allowed, and vehicles doing so could receive an infringement notice. AT cannot create new on-street parking at this time but will manage the existing supply to ensure road access and residents can reach their properties.

Broken Yellow Lines

  • Concern that this isn't a long-term solution to the problem, it is simply shifting the parked cars from one street to another.

There's no easy long-term solution to this issue other than reducing the demand for parking. Unfortunately, AT doesn't have the resources to create additional parking spaces at this time.

  • Suggest the proposal to not go ahead. Leave the road yellow line free.

Unfortunately, this isn't an option because the number of parked vehicles is causing inconvenience for some residents.

  • Suggest the yellow lines on Richardson Road to be extended even further due to challenges turning out of Range View Road onto Richardson Road when cars are parked so close. It greatly reduces visibility.

AT believes the broken yellow lines on Richardson Road is currently enough.

  • Concerned that adding yellow lines to an already packed road will make life even harder than it already is to find parking and unload goods from the car.

AT understands that reducing parking spaces will increase demand. We could consider a loading zone on Range View Road, but this would remove two more general parking spaces.

  • Suggest extending the yellow lines more, it will mean a clearer roadway and much safer for families who walk along the road and crossing the road. Less congestion, better visibility. The sooner the better.

AT is aware there are objections to this proposal, and we want to minimise the impact as much as possible.

  • Request to add yellow lines outside numbers 11a, 11b and 11c to indicate 1 meter from the driveway. The parking here is tight for two cars, drivers often park too close to the driveway for these houses making it very difficult to see oncoming traffic.

While AT cannot add more broken yellow lines, we can look at installing limit lines at this address.

  • Suggestion to have yellow lines added to Dunkirk Terrace as cars are being parked in the middle of the road overnight.

Dunkirk Terrace has broken yellow lines on one side, which we believe is enough for vehicles to pass. If any vehicles are blocking the road, please call 09 355 3553 for enforcement.

Berms and Footpaths

  • Suggestion to widen the road, losing the berms and shortening the footpaths.

Unfortunately, AT doesn't have the resources to widen the road and create additional parking spaces at this time.

  • Suggest reducing the size the of berm and footpath to make it easier to park.

There are utilities under the berms on both sides.

  • Suggest for the front berm to be removed from one side and split the difference between roadway and footpath, and maybe add some traffic calming devices (like chicanes).

AT does not have the budget to consider this option and as noted the presence of services in the berms makes this particularly difficult.


  • Concerned that public transport is woeful in the Owairaka area. Fixing this should be priority.

Bus route 24R travels along Owairaka Avenue and Richardson Road, making 58 trips each day.

  • Suggestion to change the road layout.

Due to limited resources, AT cannot change the road layout to add more parking at this time.

  • Concerned the proposal will cause extreme hardship if implemented the way it has been suggested.

AT understands that this project will remove some parking spaces. We've reviewed the proposal to minimise the number of spaces removed. It's important to note that some residents are currently facing issues with the existing situation.

  • Request to have a look at the area around 72 Daffodil Street, Titirangi. It's a sharp bend that goes uphill with a blind view; cars park on either side of the road, leaving only a tiny space. There have been many times when cars have almost crashed HEAD ON. Just putting one side yellow lines (opposite 72 is best) in just that place would be enough.

Thank you for your request to add BYL outside 72 Daffodil Street, Titirangi. As it is outside of this area, we have logged a request to have it looked into. For an update of this, feel free to call us on 09 355 3553 and quote reference number CAS-1031935-J2J2G7.

  • Request to repaint the speed bumps. It will make the road safer for drivers as well.

Thank you for your request to repaint the speed humps. We have logged a request to have it looked into. For an update, feel free to call us on 09 355 3553 and quote reference number CAS-1031939-W8X8S0.

  • Suggest to open Murray Halberg parking area for overnight parking.

Murray Halberg Park is open to vehicles until 11pm. Although Auckland Council manages this area, allowing access at night could lead to more antisocial activities.

  • Suggest introducing new public transport options at both ends of Range View Road, this could help alleviate some of the parking pressures by providing alternative transportation options for residents.

Bus route 24R runs near the northern end of Range View Road, while routes 67A and 67B pass by the southern end.


About the project

AT conducted a site visit in response to residents who escalated their concerns regarding access issues to their driveways, we are proposing to paint broken yellow lines on Range View Road, Owairaka to better improve accessibility.

We are proposing to paint additional broken yellow lines along Range View Road:

  • In front of the grass berms of #3, #5A,B,C,D,E, #9 and #17A Range View Road
  • In front of the grass berms of #16A, and #18 Range View Road
  • On the intersection of Range View Road and Dunkirk Terrace outside #20 Range View Road

Range View Road, Owairaka drawings

This project aims to improve vehicle accessibility

We want to work with you to deliver safer roads in your neighbourhood. These changes aim to improve visibility and accessibility for residents and visitors. Range View Road can become a narrow road when vehicles park opposite each other. Painting broken yellow lines will encourage safer parking behaviour and prevent the road from being blocked. We recommend you park correctly, or you could receive an infringement notice.

What we want your feedback on

You can help shape this project by giving feedback regarding the addition or removal of broken yellow lines.

How you can have your say

Have your say by completing the online feedback form. The form will be open from 27 August 2024 to 10 September 2024.

Page last updated: 03 Feb 2025, 03:44 PM