Greenlane Residential Paid Parking Zone (RPPZ)
About the project
The Greenlane Residential Paid Parking Zone project aimed to improve parking availability for residents, hospital staff and visitors on Claude Road, Emerald Street, Gardner Road and Crescent Road.
In September 2023, Auckland Transport conducted a parking review in the residential area surrounding the Greenlane Clinical Centre.
The study highlighted limited parking opportunities for both residents, hospital staff, customers and visitors to the area. On average, 87% of parking spaces were occupied during peak times, and in some areas, this reached 99% occupancy.
Through this review, we learned that the area needs a more flexible parking management approach to handle the high demand.
What we proposed
Proposal area
To help manage the high demand for parking in Greenlane, AT proposed to implement a Residential Paid Parking Zone (RPPZ) on Claude Road, Emerald Street, Gardner Road and Crescent Road. Eligible residents and businesses could apply for a resident parking permit to exempt them from parking restriction within this zone.
This meant we would remove the existing P120 time limit and replaced it with a new paid parking system.
• Paid parking would be $1 per hour for the first two hours, then $2 per hour after the first two hours.
• Paid parking would apply from Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm.
We also proposed monitoring parking on grass berms in the parking zone and installation of "No Stopping Off Roadway" signs, if necessary.
The consultation closed on 7 May 2024.
What happens next
After carefully considering the feedback from the residents of the area and key stakeholders, AT will not be proceeding with the implementation of the proposed Residential Paid Parking Zone restrictions, at this time.
The report is available in the Consultation Feedback Report section on this page (either on the right panel or at the bottom when viewing on a phone).
We want to thank the Greenlane community for their active engagement and feedback on the proposal. The public feedback report has been submitted to the Local Board and is now available to the wider public.
Thanks again to the community that has shared their feedback and concerns regarding this proposal, and for sharing their feedback and concerns about this proposal.
For any queries, please email or call us on 09 355 3553