Better connections into Blockhouse Bay village

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Edit - Proposed bus route change information and maps included in key documents section on this webpage.

About the project

In December 2023, we asked you about initial designs for better and safer bus connections in Blockhouse Bay village. This included plans to upgrade a crossing, install a speed hump, and move bus stops and bus break stops.

We received 152 submissions from individuals, local businesses, and community groups. Most submissions told us they had concerns about the proposal, particularly about the proposed bus break stops (bus layover area). 68% of submissions shared concerns about the proposal, 21% told us about a benefit of the proposal, and 41% provided suggestions to improve the proposal.

Our survey asked how the changes would impact the community. 55% of survey takers said the changes would not benefit Blockhouse Bay.

We’ve listened to your feedback and would like to share our new designs reflecting community sentiment, including relocating the bus break stops down Kinross Street, at the Portage Road roundabout.

Upgrades on Kinross Street include relocating bus break stops to Shadbolt Park, with new crossings along Kinross Street with new tactile pavers, footpath buildouts and new bus stops for improved convenience and accessibility for Kinross Street residents.

The changes we're making

  • New route: We’re improving safety and accessibility on Kinross Street for the 253 and 25B bus services.
  • New bus break stops for 25B/253 bus drivers:

- 3 on the south of Shadbolt Park, east of the Portage Road / Kinross Street roundabout. This will be where 25B and 253 buses start their citybound services from Blockhouse Bay.

- 1 on the south side of Kinross Street, east of the roundabout, where 25B and 253 buses will terminate at Blockhouse Bay.

The bus break stops will require about twelve parking spaces for bus parking. This includes new no-stopping-at-all-time zones (broken yellow lines) to clear access for bus manoeuvring near the roundabout.

  • 2 New village centre bus stops

- West of Blockhouse Bay Roundabout (near 2 Heaphy Street).

There are no car park removals on the southern side for outbound city buses to stop. For the northern side city-inbound bus stop (near the church), five car park spaces will need to be reallocated for the new bus stop.

  • Adjacent stops at 70/85 Kinross Street with a crossing

- Install a new outbound bus stop outside 70 Kinross Street on the southern side. A new inbound stop outside 85 Kinross Street on the northern side.

- A safe crossing point is proposed between 72 and 73 Kinross Street (see the designs on this webpage).

  • New crossings:

- Install a new road-level crossing area outside 91 Kinross Street, west of Connell Street, for people on foot to cross the road safely.

- This will reallocate road space with a new footpath buildout and marking new no stopping at all times zones (broken yellow lines) painted on both sides of the crossing to improve visibility for people on foot at the crossing, reallocating up to eight parking spaces nearby.

  • Tree management: Due to the height of the buses that service 25B and 253, trees along Kinross Street will require regular pruning, removal or relocation where required. New footpath buildouts and tree trimming could be required for tree overhangs delivered with these proposed changes.
  • New public toilet for bus drivers: Install a new two toilet unit at the corner of Kinross Street and Portage Road (funding dependent). This is for driver relief at terminating services, which could require additional infrastructure such as lighting to improve safety near the bus break stops.
  • Footpath improvements: Reconstructing the footpath and installing tactile pavers for crossing entries along Kinross Street.
  • Safety Improvements: Due to budget constraints and relocating the bus break stops away from the village centre, the previously proposed safety improvements of a raised crossing and speed hump at Blockhouse Bay Road & Gilfillan Street intersection are on hold.

Benefits to your community

  • Expanded Access: New bus routes serve more areas, reducing cars and emissions.
  • Less Congestion: Removing village bus break stops eases traffic at key intersections.
  • Safer Streets: Eliminating risky bus turns and adding new crossings on Kinross Street.
  • Efficient Space Use: Relocated bus stops minimise parking loss near the village.
  • Improved Access: New stops enhance public transport convenience for locals.
  • Better Amenities: Reliable service with break stops near facilities like public toilets for drivers and passengers.

How you can share your thoughts

Our online feedback form below will help you share your thoughts on the new design.

The survey form is closed.

How to contact us

If you’d like to speak to someone about our plans, please email us by 20 December 2024 at

Edit - Proposed bus route change information and maps included in key documents section on this webpage.

About the project

In December 2023, we asked you about initial designs for better and safer bus connections in Blockhouse Bay village. This included plans to upgrade a crossing, install a speed hump, and move bus stops and bus break stops.

We received 152 submissions from individuals, local businesses, and community groups. Most submissions told us they had concerns about the proposal, particularly about the proposed bus break stops (bus layover area). 68% of submissions shared concerns about the proposal, 21% told us about a benefit of the proposal, and 41% provided suggestions to improve the proposal.

Our survey asked how the changes would impact the community. 55% of survey takers said the changes would not benefit Blockhouse Bay.

We’ve listened to your feedback and would like to share our new designs reflecting community sentiment, including relocating the bus break stops down Kinross Street, at the Portage Road roundabout.

Upgrades on Kinross Street include relocating bus break stops to Shadbolt Park, with new crossings along Kinross Street with new tactile pavers, footpath buildouts and new bus stops for improved convenience and accessibility for Kinross Street residents.

The changes we're making

  • New route: We’re improving safety and accessibility on Kinross Street for the 253 and 25B bus services.
  • New bus break stops for 25B/253 bus drivers:

- 3 on the south of Shadbolt Park, east of the Portage Road / Kinross Street roundabout. This will be where 25B and 253 buses start their citybound services from Blockhouse Bay.

- 1 on the south side of Kinross Street, east of the roundabout, where 25B and 253 buses will terminate at Blockhouse Bay.

The bus break stops will require about twelve parking spaces for bus parking. This includes new no-stopping-at-all-time zones (broken yellow lines) to clear access for bus manoeuvring near the roundabout.

  • 2 New village centre bus stops

- West of Blockhouse Bay Roundabout (near 2 Heaphy Street).

There are no car park removals on the southern side for outbound city buses to stop. For the northern side city-inbound bus stop (near the church), five car park spaces will need to be reallocated for the new bus stop.

  • Adjacent stops at 70/85 Kinross Street with a crossing

- Install a new outbound bus stop outside 70 Kinross Street on the southern side. A new inbound stop outside 85 Kinross Street on the northern side.

- A safe crossing point is proposed between 72 and 73 Kinross Street (see the designs on this webpage).

  • New crossings:

- Install a new road-level crossing area outside 91 Kinross Street, west of Connell Street, for people on foot to cross the road safely.

- This will reallocate road space with a new footpath buildout and marking new no stopping at all times zones (broken yellow lines) painted on both sides of the crossing to improve visibility for people on foot at the crossing, reallocating up to eight parking spaces nearby.

  • Tree management: Due to the height of the buses that service 25B and 253, trees along Kinross Street will require regular pruning, removal or relocation where required. New footpath buildouts and tree trimming could be required for tree overhangs delivered with these proposed changes.
  • New public toilet for bus drivers: Install a new two toilet unit at the corner of Kinross Street and Portage Road (funding dependent). This is for driver relief at terminating services, which could require additional infrastructure such as lighting to improve safety near the bus break stops.
  • Footpath improvements: Reconstructing the footpath and installing tactile pavers for crossing entries along Kinross Street.
  • Safety Improvements: Due to budget constraints and relocating the bus break stops away from the village centre, the previously proposed safety improvements of a raised crossing and speed hump at Blockhouse Bay Road & Gilfillan Street intersection are on hold.

Benefits to your community

  • Expanded Access: New bus routes serve more areas, reducing cars and emissions.
  • Less Congestion: Removing village bus break stops eases traffic at key intersections.
  • Safer Streets: Eliminating risky bus turns and adding new crossings on Kinross Street.
  • Efficient Space Use: Relocated bus stops minimise parking loss near the village.
  • Improved Access: New stops enhance public transport convenience for locals.
  • Better Amenities: Reliable service with break stops near facilities like public toilets for drivers and passengers.

How you can share your thoughts

Our online feedback form below will help you share your thoughts on the new design.

The survey form is closed.

How to contact us

If you’d like to speak to someone about our plans, please email us by 20 December 2024 at

Page last updated: 26 Dec 2024, 04:27 PM